Siem Offshore to retrofit compressed air system
1 June 2021 –Siem Offshore has contracted TMC Compressors (TMC) to supply a new marine compressed...
12 October 2020 – VARD has awarded TMC Compressors (TMC) a contract to deliver the marine compressed air system for a stern trawler the shipbuilder is constructing for Norwegian fishing company Nergård Havfiske.
Under the contract, TMC will supply a complete marine compressed air system consisting of frequency-controlled compressors for service and instrument air, plus air dryer to remove humidity from the compressed air. TMC has not disclosed the value of its contract.
The stern trawler is of VARD 8 02 design, which has been developed by Vard Design in Ålesund, Norway. The trawler design has been continuously developed to meet the latest demands for fish health management, efficiency and environmentally friendly operations. With a high focus on quality of catch, safety of crew, and sustainable operations, the vessel has the most efficient technology to bring the catch ashore with minimum environmental footprint.
“Our marine compressed air systems are all about higher capacity output of control and service air, but with lower energy consumption, service requirements and – as a result – lower operating expenses and harmful emissions to air. It is one of our contributions to an even more sustainable fishing and shipping industry,” says Hans Petter Tanum, TMC’s director of sales and business development.
The new vessel will have a length of 80 meters and a beam of 17 meters, and will be equipped with VARD’s catch handling solution with a live fish tank to keep the fish in healthy conditions until processing, an advanced fish factory, high cargo capacity for refrigerated and frozen fish, as well as ensilage tanks for storing of heads and guts to secure full utilization of biomass from the catch.
Delivery of the vessel is scheduled from Vard Brattvaag in Norway in Q1 2022. The hull will be built at Vard Braila in Romania.
Nergård Havfiske AS is located in Northern Norway. The company was established back in 1946 and has today approximately 170 employees. Nergård Havfiske, with its fleet of five vessels, is a part of the Nergård group.
TMC is the world’s leading supplier of compressed air systems for marine and offshore use. The company is headquartered in Oslo, Norway.
For media information, please contact:
Endre Aaberg Johansen, Coporate Communications AS, tel: +47 41 61 06 05, email:
1 June 2021 –Siem Offshore has contracted TMC Compressors (TMC) to supply a new marine compressed...
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