TMC Air Treatment Filters
Filters for Every Requirement
TMC offers a complete range of downstream air treatment filter products for either filtration or complete removal of different media and contaminations in the compressed air.
Our air treatment filters meet all purity classes as per ISO 8573-1.
Typically, we are talking of filtration or removal of dirt, oil or water. These three contaminations can further be categorised into:
- Micro-organisms
- Dust
- Solid particles
- Rust particles
- Water vapor
- Condensed liquid water
- Water aerosols
- Liquid oil
- Oil aerosol
- Hydrocarbon vapor
Correctly calculated and sized air treatment systems extend equipment lifetime, and keep costs at a minimum.
Air Treatment Filters from TMC
With our wide range of products and filter selection, combined with our extensive application knowledge, we can meet all your filtration requirements. Our different filter combinations will match every air quality class listed in the ISO8573-1:2010 standard.
Contact us, and we will guide you in choosing the correct filter grade for your application.

What our customers are saying
TMC’s reliable Smart Air compressors help reduce costs and decrease harmful emissions to air. They are the perfect match for our commitment to reducing our impact on the environment.

Spare parts are significantly more valuable to vessel operators when they are in stock. Hence, TMC helps to provide the reliability we need for our chemical tankers.

When operating a 385-metre long offshore salmon farm far from shore, you choose the most reliable equipment, because the entire operation depends on it. For marine compressed air systems, we chose TMC.

Golar’s Hili Episeyo is the world’s first converted FLNG vessel. She is currently operating on a long-term contract offshore Cameroon. Their innovative FLNG solutions have a smaller carbon footprint than most conventional liquefaction facilities and TMC contributes to this with its energy-saving technologies. TMC has supplied seven large Smart Air compressors, air dryers with 16,000 CM/hour capacity feed air compressors for N2 production.

Certifications and Quality
TMC is certified according to the quality standard ISO 9001, the environmental standard ISO 14001 and HSE standard ISO 45001, and is certified by all of the marine classification societies.