TMC Compressors
Supplier Requirements 


TMC is certified according to the quality standard ISO 9001, the environmental standard ISO 14001 and HSE standard ISO 45001. We place high demands on ourselves and work continuously to improve our internal processes, our work within health, environment and safety and our adverse effect on the external environment. We require that our suppliers have the same focus on these issues. We expect our suppliers to have a positive and proactive attitude within these areas and that they seek sustainable solutions in close cooperation with TMC. 

Suppliers of goods, services and transport to TMC must not act contrary to applicable laws and regulations1, UN conventions, ILO conventions2 and national labor legislation at the production side. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights must be respected. 

When using subcontractors that directly contribute to completion of contract, the supplier is obligated to pass on these requirements to the subcontractor. 


HSE work is highly prioritized and targeted in TMC. Our suppliers must emphasize maintaining secure and safe working conditions including a healthy working environment for all employees. We expect our suppliers to fulfill any requirements in the HSE legislation. 

Suppliers certified according to ISO 45001 or equivalent will be preferred in competition with others. All our suppliers must work systematically and targeted with HSE issues. 


TMC want to contribute to the best possible preservation of the environment. Our products are to be among the best of their kind and we in our development work, will focus on energy-saving solutions and a minimum of pollution and waste during our products’ life cycle. 

Suppliers certified according to ISO 14001 or equivalent will be preferred in competition with others. All our suppliers must demonstrate systematic and targeted work within the environmental area. 


All our suppliers must have an adequate quality management system tailored to their services. They must document that defined quality requirements are an integral part of their business activities. 

TMC have been ISO 9001 certified since the company’s start in 1996 and we prefer suppliers with a similar certification. 

Code of Conduct 

We expect our suppliers, as well as our employees, to conduct business and work in an ethical and lawful manner and to act with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws, including anti-trust laws. 

We expect our suppliers to conduct their business on the same terms and to accept our «Code of Conduct for suppliers”. 

Read our Code of conduct. 


In the case of significant breaches of our supplier requirements, the consequence may be termination of the contract/cooperation. However, initially we will attempt to collaborate, to give suppliers the opportunity to correct and prevent any breaches, through goal setting and action plans. 

We require our suppliers to have focus on and systematically work with issues regarding health, environment and safety in their own organizations and in their cooperation with others. Our partners must be prepared to verify and document this work on request.


1) Laws and regulations mean legislation in the country of origin of the delivery.
2) International Labor Organization (ILO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. ILO is a coalition of representatives from national governments, unions and employers' organizations. ILO has drawn up many conventions where the main and most important of which are referred to as the ILO core conventions.


Oslo, January 2024


TMC is certified according to the quality standard ISO 9001, the environmental standard ISO 14001 and HSE standard ISO 45001.


We place high demands on ourselves and work continuously to improve our internal processes, our work within health, environment and safety and our adverse effect on the external environment. 

Occupational safety and health

We require that our key suppliers are equally dedicated in these issues.