TMC Sustainability
Responsible production. Efficient operation. Continuous innovation.
Sustainability is at the heart of our operations. To help direct us on our path to a sustainable future, we’ve chosen three of UN’s development goals:

13 – Climate action

14 – Life below water

Climate action
Every step towards reduced emissions is a step towards a more sustainable world. At TMC, we contribute where we can, locally and globally. We focus on sustainable innovation and production, which has resulted in energy-efficient compressors and systems such as our TMC Smart Air compressors, the Air Lubrication Compressors (ALS), Boil-off gas compressors (BOG) and our TMC System Solution®. Our facilities are driven only by water-borne energy, and all our company cars are electricity-fueled. Read more.

Decent work and economic growth
A systematic approach to clean and safe working conditions as well as transparent management have earned us the environmental standard ISO 14001 as well as 9001 and 45001 certifications. We hold ourselves, our suppliers and partners to high standards, and will never lower them. Check out our Code of Conduct for more information.

Life below water
Protecting marine life should be a high priority for every company operating at sea. At TMC, we see this mission as two-phased: Operations at sea, and land-based operations affecting the seas. Our compressor technology helps limit your emissions to the bare minimum, making sure you operate according to any given regulation. Furthermore, we strive to contribute to less use of plastic in both products and packaging, as well as smart logistics. Read more.

Taking responsibility is taking action
Sustainable operations is a good step towards a greener future. But being sustainable yourself isn’t necessarily enough. Part of our sustainability effort is to facilitate sustainable operations in others.
By choosing TMC as your compressor supplier and partner, you can be sure that you’re not alone in your transition towards sustainability.